Thelma B. Wade

Susie Wahpekeche

Kasey Marie Wald

Brian Wayne Walker

Sirran Denall Walker

Rodney Lydell Wallace

Christie Leigh Ward

Lurleen Lynette Warden

Timothy Lee Warren

Lillian Jean Watts

Rebecca Jean Walden (Boyd)

Lyndale Walls

Isaac Charles “Mack” Watkins

Doyle D. Watson

Bobbi Woffard

Eli Waybourn

Mary Waybourn

Alice Weathers

Judy Ellen Weichert

Christen Marie Welch

Darryl Dean Wesley

Linda Wheeler

Brenda White

Richard K. White

Barbara Jean Whitfield

Kathryn Aline Wilhoit

Exie Lee Wilkerson

Christopher Lee Willcut

Bryan Kent Williams

Johnnie Dean Williams

Leland G. Williams

Marco Odell Williams

Tina Marie Williams

Tony Bernard Williams

Vonda Lashell Williams

Boyd Alvin Williamson

Pamela Kaye Willis

Frank Lon Wilson

Frederick Wilson

Velma Wilson

Karen Faye Winans

Shevrick Dewaryne Winston

Takota Wise

Gary Lee Wixon

Bobbie Wofford

Brett Wolfe

Judith Ruth Wolfe

Ajuania Woodley

Pamela Woodring

Veda Woodson

Candyce R. Woodward

Joe Woolf

James Woolum

Dawn Regeete Wright

Tyodis Dewayne Wright

Lucella Wright

(c)2017, Oklahoma Cold Cases, Inc. All rights reserved

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Slogan “Silence is Betrayal” is a Trademark of Oklahoma Cold Cases, Inc..

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