Warner Baby Doe 1983 placeholder

Warner Baby Doe 1983

Date Found: December 9, 1983

Location Found: Warner, Oklahoma

Physical characteristics: infant, 19 inches tall and 5 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes.

Investigating Agency: Muskogee County Sheriff’s Office

(918) 687-0202

On December 9th, 1983, a baby was found in a dumpster outside the girl’s dorms at Conners State University in Warner, Oklahoma. The infant had been deceased for a few days.

The child was white with brown hair and blue eyes. She was 19 inches long and weighed 5lbs. She is listed as # UP11536.

Please call the Muskogee County Sheriff at 918-687-0202 if you have any information about Warner Baby Doe 1983.

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