Lawanda Evette Perkins

Lawanda Evette Perkins

Date Found: December 3, 1988

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 235-7300

Lawanda Evette Perkins was murdered 10 days before her 20th birthday, on December 3rd, 1988 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Neighbors found her lying in her apartment at the Hartford House Apartments at 3822 N. Hartford just after they heard her fighting with a man. At 430 am that morning, Lawanda’s neighbors were awakened by what they believed was a domestic violence incident. Police were called at 5 am. Right before police arrived the neighbors found Lawanda’s body.

Police believe the struggle started in the front of the apartment and then moved to the back bedroom. She had several stab wounds and her throat had been cut so deeply she was almost decapitated. She’d been sexually assaulted. Two knives, covered in blood, were found: #1 was found on NW 36 and Hartford about a block away and #2 was found with a blood-stained piece of clothing close to the I-44 overpass on Grand Ave. Investigators questioned and released an ex-boyfriend. They gave a general description of a suspect: a black man stranding 5’7-6’0 with black curly hair.

Lawanda had graduated from Northeast High School in 1987 and she was working at a local restaurant.

Please call the OKC Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300 with any information on the murder of young Lawanda Evette Perkins.

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