Larry Wayne Jackson

Larry Wayne Jackson

Date Found: December 22, 1992

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 235-7300

Larry Wayne Jackson was a 35-year-old father to two children driving a cab in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma when he was murdered on December 22nd, 1992. His body was found in a field near SE 15th and High. His cab was discovered abandoned a mile from the body site at Reno and Eastern Avenue in Oklahoma City at 6pm. There was blood found inside of it.

Larry was last in contact with the cab company, Yellow Cab, at 12:45am to pick up a fare. The family that lived at the address used in that fare said no one there had ordered a cab leaving police to believe it was likely that the person used a payphone and then walked to the address and waited on the porch as if they resided there. It was common practice at the time.

Larry was born on August 29th, 1957 in Castro Valley, California. He was an independent contractor for Yellow Cab. He’s described as being well-liked by other drivers and staff. He was often in a good mood and was a neat and courteous man. He was separated from his wife at the time. Larry served in the Army in the 1970’s briefly.

Please call OKC Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300 with any information in the murder of father Larry Wayne Jackson. All information is helpful.

Larry Wayne Jackson
Larry Wayne Jackson

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