Elizabeth Long Jacob

Elizabeth Long Jacob

Date Found: March 16, 2004

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Tulsa Police Department

(918) 596-9222

Elizabeth Long Jacob, also known as Liz, was found shot to death on the ground at 8303 E. 25th Place in Tulsa, Oklahoma on March 16th, 2004. (some records show her date of death as April 1st) Officers responded to a shots fired call and found her on the ground in the courtyard of an apartment complex. Cause of death was gunshot to the head.

Liz had recently been arrested in the murder of Anthony Overstreet, whose body was found on February 21st, 2004 rolled into a carpet and left near 21st and Memorial. She was originally considered an accomplice but as the investigation continued it showed she was a material witness. Police indicated that Luis Lara-Martinez was likely responsible for Anthony’s murder. When they went to arrest him he pointed a gun at police and he was shot dead. It’s unknown if the murders are connected but it’s a possibility.

Liz was 46-years-old. She was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 1st, 1957. Her maiden name was Long.

Please call the Tulsa PD 918-596-9222 with any information on the murder of Elizabeth Long Jacob.

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