Big Cedar Doe 1990

Big Cedar Doe 1990

Date Found: January 18, 1990

Location Found: Big Cedar, Oklahoma

Physical characteristics: Between the ages of 30 and 50 years old, 5′ 1″ tall, 87 pounds, with short black hair, and brown eyes. She has scars on her forehead, front of upper left arm, and abdominal surgical scar.

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma Highway Patrol

(918) 423-3636

On January 18, 1990 long haul truck driver James Edward Taylor crashed his truck on highway 259 near Big Cedar. Taylor would survive the crash, however his passenger would not. While in and of itself this isn’t an odd occurrence- the fact that his passenger would die while not having her identity known, is.

Taylor would tell authorities that he picked the woman up about fifteen minutes before the crash happened. However, Taylor’s sister told Oklahoma State Troopers that Taylor had picked up Jane Doe in Cleveland, Ohio- some 1.000 miles away from the crash site in Oklahoma. She also told troopers that she believed Jane Doe might have gone by either “Beth” or “Baby”, but wasn’t sure. Authorities charged Taylor with Jane Doe’s death, but eventually dismissed the charges. Whether he actually killed Jane Doe or knew her identity at this point is irrelevant, because James Edward Taylor passed away in 2008.

They believe Jane Doe was between 30 and 50 years old when she died. She had an abdominal scar believed to have been from a c-section, as well as scars on her forehead and on her upper left arm. Jane Doe was African American with brown eyes and short, curly black hair. She was dressed in a long-sleeved blue and grey striped shirt, a beige sweater, blue corduroy pants with a tan fabric belt, and pantyhose. Additionally, she wore a gold ring with a small pink or purple stone on her left middle finger. I have included a picture of the ring.

DNA for Jane Doe is on file, and I have included screenshots of the completed comparisons for her.

If you have any information about Jane Doe’s identity, please contact Oklahoma Highway Patrol – Troop D at (918) 423-3636

Clothes found with Jane Doe
Ring found with Jane Doe

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