Geary/El Reno Jane Doe 1990

Geary/El Reno Jane Doe 1990

Date Found: January 5, 1990

Location Found: Geary/El Reno, Oklahoma

Physical characteristics: between the ages of 18 and 35 years old, approximately 5′ 4″ tall with dark colored hair.

Investigating Agency: Canadian County Sheriff’s Office

(405) 262-3434

A survey crew working in Canadian County on January 5, 1990 found a human skull about thirty feet from the bank of a small creek. A subsequent search would find about half of a human skeleton in the creek itself.

It would be determined that the remains belonged to a female, believed to have been between the ages of 18 and 35 when she died. It’s estimated that she likely died sometime between 1985 and 1988. She would have been Caucasian, and stood around an estimated 5 feet 4 inches tall and had dark colored hair. Her eye color is unknown. A pair of tan slacks that were Chaus brand, a leather belt, white collared shirt, and a baseball cap were found near the body. Also found near the body was a ladies style ring, I have also included a picture of this.

She is referred to as Canadian Jane Doe or El Reno Jane Doe. Her DNA is on file and I have included the names of persons ruled out as being Jane Doe.

If you have any information regarding the identity of Jane Doe, please contact the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office at (405) 262-3434.

The shirt tag
The belt
The ring

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