Jody Lynn Humphreys
Date Found: August 30, 1980
Location: Moore, Oklahoma
Investigating Agency: Moore Police Department
(405) 793-5171
Jody Lynn Humphreys was only supposed to be passing through Oklahoma in June of 1980. The 18-year-old had just wrapped up a visit with her father Samuel Humphreys in Marion, Ohio and was taking the bus to Dallas, Texas. She never arrived. Her father reported her missing June 12th, 1980 in Marion, Ohio.
On August 30th, 1980, two boys found her remains while out turtle hunting. She was discovered in a field north of Main Street off Bryant Road in Moore, Oklahoma. She was decomposed. Her pants had been pulled down and her shirt was pushed around her head. It’s believed she was sexually assaulted. She had been beaten to death with some kind of blunt object. The murder weapon was never found. Police believe she was taken from the OKC bus station. It took three months for her remains to be ID’d. There are no known suspects in her brutal murder.
Initially her case was treated as a teen runaway who may have had drug issues but that was disproven in time. Unfortunately, it’s likely leads were missed because of the delay in investigation.
Please call the Moore PD at (405) 793-5171 with any information on the murder of Jody Lynn Humphreys. Her sister deserves answers.