Helen Gordon

Helen Gordon

Date Found: December 26, 1975

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Police Department

(405) 297-1000

Helen Gordon was found murdered on December 26th, 1975. She was seventy seven years old.

Helen was described as being a very self-sufficient woman, who was a retired nurse. She had last been seen pulling out of the driveway of a relative’s home the night before. Helen’s body would be found about twelve hours later, laying facedown in a pool of brackish water just southeast of Oklahoma City She had been strangled, beaten in the face and sexually assaulted; though she was fully dressed when found.

Her empty car was found about 300 yards away from where Helen’s body was, and was stuck in the mud. Authorities believed that her killer had tried to escape the scene when the vehicle became stuck and they abandoned it. Almost no clues to help catch Helen’s killer were found at the scene- however, a men’s shoe that had blood stains on the sole had been left behind. Whether there were any identifiable fingerprints left anywhere on scene has never been publicly stated, and police believe that the motive behind the murder was likely robbery.

At the time of her murder, Helen was a widow and had no children to my knowledge. Her killer has still not been brought to justice.

If you have any information regarding the murder of Helen Gordon, please contact the Oklahoma City Police Department at (405) 297-1000.

Helen Gordon
Helen Gordon

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