Fredricka Pamela Marshall

Fredricka Pamela Marshall

Date Found: April 18, 2007

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 235-7300

Fredricka Pamela Marshall (McClarence) was found shot in her apartment on April 18th, 2007. She died from her injuries in 2012. Her case is now being investigated as a homicide.

Officers were called to the 2000 block of N. Page and found the front door wide open. Inside they found 38-year-old Fredricka shot. Law enforcement believes the motive was robbery.

Fredricka was born in November 1969 and she attended Midwest City High School. She was 42 when she passed away in March 2012.

Please call the OKC Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300 with any information in the murder of Fredricka Marshall. You can remain anonymous.

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