Frankie Lyvonne Duvall
Date of Last Contact: May 10, 1986
Location of Disappearance: Loco, Oklahoma
Physical Characteristics: 5′ 8″ tall, 175 pounds, 39 year old, Caucasian female, with brown hair and blue eyes.
Last Seen Wearing: Unknown
Investigating Agency: Stephens County Sheriff’s Office
(580) 255-3131
May 10th 1986 is the last day that Frankie Lyvonne Duvall, known as Bonnie, was seen alive.
The night before Bonnie disappeared, both she and her husband attended a field party. At some point, Bonnie left her husband and went out on the town on her own, ending up at the local café the next morning. The café had more customers than expected that morning and was running out of an ingredient for the daily special. Bonnie told the owner she had some at home, would run back and get it, but be back soon. Bonnie walked out the door and was never seen or heard from again.
Rumors abounded in Bonnie’s case. Some saying she had intentionally walked away, others saying so was taken against her will. Bonnie was the mother of young children, and her family contends that she wouldn’t have simply walked away from her children.
Suspicion tends to fall on Bonnie’s husband. He didn’t report Bonnie missing until three days after she was last seen, and their youngest child apparently told her grandmother that she saw her father dragging a big, black bag and put it in the cellar. The older children though, say that their mother was home that morning when they left for school, that she was asleep on the couch that morning.
To this day, we don’t know what happened to Bonnie. Though her case was re-opened in 2017.
At the time of her disappearance, Bonnie is described as being 5’8 and 175 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes.
If you have any information about the disappearance of Frankie “Bonnie” Duvall please contact the Stephens County Sheriff’s Office at (580) 255-3131.