Femi Charrone Anjorin

Femi Charrone Anjorin

Date Found: May 25, 2001

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Tulsa Police Department Cold Case Unit

(918) 586-1357

Femi Charrone Anjorin, 23, was found by police in the sideyard of an abandoned house at 2436 N. Main in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 25th, 2001.

A call came in about a suspicious car in the area. When police arrived they found Femi’s vehicle parked and locked in the driveway of the abandoned house and Femi’s body to the side of the house. He had been shot in the head.

Initial reports to police state that Femi was seen getting out of his vehicle and stumbling and falling at the spot he was discovered. The area he was found in was only a few minutes by car from his previous residence in Tulsa.

Femi went by the nickname Fame. He was a recording artist and musician.

Please call the Tulsa Cold Case Unit at 918.586.1357 with any information on the murder of Femi Anjorin.

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