Catherine Ashford

Catherine Ashford

Date Found: May 12, 1995

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Tulsa Police Department

(918) 596-9135

Catherine Ashford was found murdered in Tulsa on May 12, 1995 by her ten-year-old-daughter and a co-worker after Catherine had failed to pick up her daughter from school. She had been shot several times, and there was no noticed forced entry to the home.

At the time, authorities stated that a person of interest in her murder was her ex-husband Larry Wilson, whom she had divorced several years prior. While Catherine had a protective order against Larry, it apparently did little to keep him away from her. Before her death, Catherine had said that Larry had gotten her unlisted phone number and had shown up at four different jobs she worked at.

Catherine had also changed her name in an attempt to keep away from her ex-husband, changing it from Cindy Wilson to Catherine Ashford.

Whether Larry Wilson was cleared in Catherine’s death, or if authorities ever developed any other persons of interest is unknown.

Catherine’s murder is still listed as being unsolved on Tulsa PD’s website.

If you have any information about the murder of Catherine Ashford, please contact the Tulsa Police Department at (918) 596-9135.

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