Donna Renee Conn

Donna Renee Conn

Date Found: April 28th, 2003

Location: Norman, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Norman Crime Stoppers

(405) 366-7867

Donna Renee Conn was 42-years-old when she was found murdered in her home at 907 E. Eufaula in Norman, Oklahoma on April 28th, 2003.

Her father, Donald, had been trying to reach Donna all morning but couldn’t get her on the phone. When he arrived at her home he smelled smoke and rushed next door to call 911. Inside the home the fire department found Donna’s body. She’d been set on fire. A gas can was found near her body. At the time, investigators believed Donna had been drugged before the attack but the tox results from her autopsy showed it wasn’t the case. She did have gasoline in her blood, liver and brain. There were no signs of a physical attack on her body or in her home. Cause of death was determined to be smoke inhalation. There is a $10,000 reward in her case.

Donna wasn’t married at the time of her murder and had no children. She is a twin sister and was very close to her family. Donna was considered easy going and liked to camp and garden, preferring to spend her time outdoors. She had recently been arrested for a small amount of cannabis and was struggling with depression. She was born in Norman, Oklahoma on September 29th, 1960.

Please call Norman Crime Stoppers at 405-366-STOP (7867) with any information in the murder of beloved daughter and sister Donna Renee Conn.

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