Deborah Denise Cordell

Deborah Denise Cordell

Date Found: July 21, 2003

Location: Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation

(800) 522-8017

July 21st, 2003, Deborah Denise Cordell was found murdered in her own home in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She was a disabled veteran who fought in Somalia, Panama and the Persian Gulf from 1986-1994.

Deborah, 49, was found beaten to death at the Cort Mall Apartments where she resided. Cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma which caused brain swelling. The medical examiner stated Deborah suffered “extensive and innumerable” bruises, cuts and scrapes over her whole body. Initially Tahlequah Police tried to label it an accidental death but evidence indicated homicide. Deborah was likely killed by someone who knew her and it is believed she was murdered the morning of July 20th. It’s been stated that the homicide was not robbery related however, another statement suggests Deborah may have been killed for her pain medications.

A grand jury was held and concluded in January of 2006 with no indictment against the Tahlequah Police Department for grossly mishandling Deborah’s homicide. The jury criticized the department for it’s conduct and advised the OSBI handle murder investigations until they were better equipped for such investigations. The report stated the crime scene had been altered and many basic investigative techniques were not used. It continued on to say the scene had not be secured and too many people had access to it. Items were not documented and forensic evidence was lost in the chaos. No official police reports had been written. As a result, Deborah’s murder remains unsolved.

Please call the OSBI at 800-522-8017 with any information in the murder of Sgt. Deborah Denise Cordell.

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