Dakota Scott Covington

Dakota Scott Covington

Date of Last Contact: April 29, 2021

Location of Disappearance: Mead, Oklahoma

Physical Characteristics: Approximately 5′ 10″ – 5′ 11″ tall, approximately 200 – 210 pounds, 27 years old, Caucasian male. He has black hair, brown eyes, a tattoo right shoulder of claw marks and a tattoo of tribal band on upper left arm.

Last Seen Wearing: He was last seen wearing a black shirt, black pants, black shoes.

Investigating Agency: Bryan County Sheriff’s Office

(580) 924-3000

Dakota Scott Covington was last seen at home in Mead, Oklahoma on April 29th, 2021. He was 27 at the time.

Dakota was last seen at home when his father Scott left for work the morning of April 29th. When Scott returned home Dakota was nowhere to be found. Dakota hasn’t been seen since. It is unlike Dakota to be out of contact with his loved ones. He is described as a homebody who kept to himself. However, Dakota is loved by many and was known as a really good guy. He lived in Mead his entire life.

Dakota is white with brown hair and brown eyes. He is 5’10 and was 200-210 lbs at the time. Dakota was wearing a black shirt, black pants and black shoes. He is listed as # MP80243 in NaMus and there are zero comparisons at this time.

Please call the Bryan County Sheriff at 580-924-3000 with any information in the disappearance of Dakota Scott Covington. All information is helpful. 

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