Carrie Beth Thomas

Carrie Beth Thomas

Date Found: December 4, 1992

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 235-7300

Carrie Beth Boldman Thomas went missing on October 26th, 1992. That night she called police at 7 pm and reported that someone was outside her mobile home at 6202 S. Daisy Lane in OKC. She said she heard someone stomping on the roof of her home. Police arrived and found no one in the area or evidence of a crime. At 9 pm Carrie called her mother from a payphone and said her truck ran out of gas at SE 15th and Hudiburg Drive in Midwest City. When her mother arrived just 20 minutes later Carrie had vanished. Her truck was parked next to a car wash with no evidence indicating where Carrie had gone.

On December 4th, 1992, Carrie’s body was discovered by an anonymous driver on Cemetery Road in north OKC. Police believe her body was dumped at the location and killed elsewhere. Her body had been left beside the entrance to an oil field drilling site and police believe, recently. The body was visible from the busy road. She’d been strangled.

Please call the OKC Tipline at 405.235.7300 with any information on the murder of Carrie Beth Thomas.

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