Betty Geraldine Kilburn

Betty Geraldine Kilburn

Date Found: November 21, 1999

Location: Bristow, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Bristow Police Department

(918) 367-2251

Betty Geraldine Brown Kilburn was 62-years-old when she was murdered on November 21st, 1999 in Bristow, Oklahoma. There are no known suspects in her murder.

Betty was found in her home on the 1500 block of S. Poplar by her son around 4pm. It is believed robbery is a possible motive. The autopsy found that Betty had been viciously beaten and that she had fought her attacker/s. She had wounds all over her body, many defensive. She had bilateral rib fractures, her larynx was fractured, and her hyoid was fractured. It’s believed she could have been attacked with a screwdriver. Bloodstains were found throughout the home and had all the signs of a struggle.

Betty’s husband Frank passed away in March of 1999 and their son passed away in 2001. Betty was born September 29th, 1937 and graduated from Bristow High School.

Please call the Bristow PD at 918-367-2251 with any information in the brutal murder of mother and homemaker Betty Geraldine Brown Kilburn.

Betty Geraldine Kilburn
Betty Kilburn

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