Betty Ann Reid headstone

Betty Ann Reid

Date Found: June 4, 1977

Location: Lawton, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Lawton Police Department

(580) 581-3270

On June 4, 1977, Betty Ann Reid, also known as Betty Jo, was discovered brutally murdered in her residence in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Betty Ann was twenty-four at the time her life was tragically taken away. The morning of June 4, an unnamed fifty-one-year-old friend stumbled upon her lifeless, unclothed body. It was a horrific sight. She was naked, with an electrical cord wrapped around her neck, and sprawled across her bed. Her autopsy indicated she had been subjected to both physical assault and strangulation, as well as multiple bruises on her legs and neck, along with evidence of recent

sexual activity. However, it remains unclear whether sexual assault occurred during the murder.

Despite questioning two unidentified men, including the friend who discovered her body, no arrests were made at the time.

Betty Ann was born in Lynchburg, VA on August 14, 1952. She married Ricky Reid in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1968. According to officials, Betty Ann and Ricky had not been living together for some time at the time of her murder.

There has been no substantial progress in the investigation since 1977.

If you have any information regarding the murder of Betty Ann Reid, please contact the Lawton Police Department at 580-581-3270.

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