Beatrice La Rose Hodge
Date Found: August 9, 1986
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Investigating Agency: Tulsa Crime Stoppers
(918) 596-2677
Beatrice La Rose Hodge was found murdered in her home in Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 9th, 1986. She was discovered by a neighbor at 640 pm who had a key and went to check in on Beatrice. Beatrice’s mother had called the neighbor concerned when she didn’t pick up for their daily phone call. She lived alone at 603 E. 42nd St. North at the time. Beatrice had been dead for more than 12 hours and cause of death is believed to be strangulation or smothering.
Beatrice, who went by Tree, a nickname earned because she was 5’10, was well known for her bowling prowess. She was a member of the Ladies All-Star bowling league and had been bowling for many years. Beatrice was a PSO employee for 14 years, the final 7 in Owasso. She was also a mother. Beatrice grew up in Tulsa and graduated from Washington High School. She attended college at Los Angeles City College. She was born on April 1st, 1938.
Please call the Tulsa Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS with any information on the murder of Beatrice La Rose Hodge.