Tuttle John Doe 1975
Date Found: January 18, 1975
Location Found: Tuttle, Oklahoma
Physical characteristics: between the ages of 20 and 35 years old, approximately 5′ 8″ tall with dark brown fine hair.
Investigating Agency: Grady County Sheriff
On January 18th, 1975, a body of a white and Latino male was found in a shallow grave in an open field 7 miles east and 2 miles north of Tuttle, Oklahoma. It’s marked as the red spot on the map.
The male was 20-35 years old and died in 1974-1975. He was 5’8 with dark brown hair. The body was covered in dirt and his calves and feet were visible. The remains were decomposed. The property owner said he last cut hay the first week of October and did not see a body at that time.
He is # UP4877 in Namus and DNA is available for comparison. Alan Soper is currently the only exclusion.
Please call the Grady County Sheriff at 405-222-1000 with any information or inquiries about UP4877.