Timur Mardeyev

Missing Age: 27 Years

Sex: Male

Height: 6′ 1″ – 6′ 2″ (73 – 74 Inches)

Weight: 180 lbs

Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian

Date of Last Contact: November 29, 2011

NamUs Case Created: March 22, 2012

Location: Grove, Oklahoma 74344

County: Delaware County

Circumstances of Disappearance: On 11-29-2011 at 2008 hrs. Timur left Grove alone and went to Tulsa, Oklahoma. His car was parked at the RiverSpirit Casino for 1 hour, then the car left, and was parked again at the Batman Convenience store, 1444 N Mingo Road, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Timur has not been heard from since. Timur is in the U.S. on a Visa from Kazakhsthan and was to be married in February in Russia. He has not contacted family or his fiance. All leads have been followed up on and have met with no results. Timur’s GPS shows he did not make any stops between Grove and the RiverSpirit Casino in Tulsa. There was no video available by the time we learned Timur went to the casino.

Physical Description

Hair Color: Brown

Head Hair Description: Short

Eye Colo: Brown

Accessories: Black wallet, Passport

Clothing: Black coat, Dark Blue Sweet shirt

Eyewear: None

Jewelry: Gold mans wring

Comments: Vehicle was recovered in Tulsa, Oklahoma on 12-09-2011. It was towed from the Batman Convenience Store 1444 N Mingo Road in Tulsa.

Transportation Notes

Airlines checked by ICE agents and his passport was flagged to notify if he tried to leave country so a welfare check could be done. Was to fly from Tulsa on 12-23-2011 to go back to Russia. Timur never made his flight.

If you have any information about Timur Mardeyev, please contact OSBI

Fox 23 News

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