Ruth Lucille Lee

Ruth Lucille Lee

Date Found: September 25, 1972

Location: Anadarko, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation


Ruth Lucille Lee was found murdered in Anadarko, Oklahoma on September 25th, 1972. The 31-year-old mother’s murder remains open and unsolved.

On September 25th at 4 pm Ruth’s teenage daughter found Ruth’s body at their apartment. Ruth had been stabbed four times in the throat and strangled. There were no signs of robbery or of sexual assault. No weapon was found.

Ruth was born July 24th, 1941 in Tuttle, Oklahoma as Ruth Lucille Potter. She was once previously married. Her husband was a Marine and was on duty in California at the time. Ruth had four children and her daughter is still looking for justice.

If you have any information in Ruth’s long unsolved murder please call the OSBI tipline at 800-522-8017. Any information is helpful.

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