Mannford Jane Doe 1982

Mannford Jane Doe 1982

Date Found: August 19, 1982

Location Found: Mannford, Oklahoma

Physical characteristics: between the ages of 21 and 35 years old with brown hair.

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Eastern Division

(918) 295-3400

On August 19th, 1982 skeletal remains of a young woman were found 5 miles north of Mannford, Oklahoma.

Mannford Jane Doe 1982 was 21-35 years old with brown hair. She is of uncertain ethnicity. An off-white terry cloth dress, Mistra brand, size small, was found with the remains. A sketch of the dress is pictured with this article. There was also one terry cloth bootie found.

DNA is available for comparison in NaMus where she’s listed as # UP12202. Deborah Farmer has been excluded.

Please call the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner at 918-295-3400 with any information or inquiries about # UP12202.

Profile of Mannford Jane Doe 1982
Profile of Jane Doe
clothes found with Mannford Jane Doe 1982
Clothes found near body

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