Linda Mae Robison

Linda Mae Robison

Date Found: July 11, 1981

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 235-7300

Linda Mae Robison was murdered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on July 11th, 1981. The 31-year-old was found in a creek. Her case remains open and unsolved.

On July 11th, at 2:10 am, Linda left the Bottom’s Up Club, where she was a manager, to meet up with friends. The Bottoms’s Up Club was located at 3634 NW 23rd St. Linda was planning to stop for groceries and meet her friends at her home located at 4772 NW 23rd St. Linda never came inside the home though her car was found in her driveway with the groceries inside. Witnesses state they never saw Linda at the home.

15 miles away, on Memorial, about a quarter mile west of Mustang Rd., Linda’s nude body was found dumped in a creek at 11:30 am on July 11th. Her clothing was found near her body. It was determined that Linda had been shot once in the head.

Linda Mae Wineland Robison was born October 4th, 1949 in Oklahoma. She had four sisters and one brother. Linda was married to Clarence Robison in 1975.

Please call OKC Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300 with any information in the senseless murder of Linda Robison.

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