Lawton John Doe 1996 placeholder

Lawton John Doe 1996

Date Found: March 29, 1996

Location Found: Lawton, Oklahoma

Physical characteristics: between the ages of 50 and 70 years old, and approximately 5’4″ tall.

Investigating Agency: Comanche County Sheriff’s Office

(580) 353-4280

On March 29th, 1996, the body of an unknown male was found in Lawton, Oklahoma. Lawton John Doe 1996 remains unidentified to this day.

He was discovered during a grassfire approximately 1/8th of a mile south of the American Legion Hall about about 50 yards east of old 49. There were fragments of blue jeans found with a black leather belt attached. A watch was also found near the body.

The black male is estimated to be 5’4 and 50-70 years of age. Estimated year of death is sometime from 1990 to 1996. He is listed as # UP5176 in NaMus and there are no comparisons for him.

Please call the Comanche County Sheriff at 580-353-4280 with any inquiries or information on Lawton John Doe 1996.

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