Latoya Tucker

Latoya Tucker

Date Found: September 25, 2006

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers

(405) 596-2677

7-year-old Talaya Tucker, and her mother, Latoya Tucker, 28, were shot execution style in their home in Oklahoma City, on September 25, 2006. The suspects entered the home around 2:30 a.m., and shot young Talaya in the face, then her mother, Latoya, in the head. Latoya’s boyfriend, Tommy Jackson, fled through a window with the couple’s 1-year-old-son, Tommy Jr. Both had been shot during the attack, and both miraculously survived.

Second grader Talaya loved to color and sing. Latoya and Talaya were survivors of Hurricane Katrina, and came to Oklahoma City for a fresh start.

Police believe this was a targeted and premeditated robbery and execution, that the suspects knew their victims, and the suspects may have ties to both the OKC and Tulsa metro areas. One suspect is described as a man in his mid 20s to 30s, with a light complexion and a military-style haircut. The other was 17 to 25, with a dark complexion, a baby face with short braids, and a gap between his upper front teeth. They may have been driving a white car.

This is one of these cases where the police have a good idea of who committed these heinous acts, and that someone out there has the information needed to bring justice to the Tucker and Jackson family.

Please share this case. Someone knows something. Someone holds the key to solving this case. All tips can be given anonymously through the Crimestoppers line, 405-596-COPS.

Talaya Tucker
Talaya Tucker

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