Geneva Louise Bryant

Geneva Louise Bryant

Date Found: April 29, 1990

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Crime Stoppers


75-year-old Geneva Louise Bryant lived alone at 1931 NW 9th in Tulsa, Oklahoma back in April of 1990. At the time she was physically disabled. In March of 1990 her home was broken into. Geneva was very concerned about it and rightly so. Crime in the neighborhood had increased recently. Six weeks after that incident Geneva was brutally attacked and murdered in her home.

Geneva, who lived alone, was last seen by her neighbors sometime around 3pm on April 28th, 1990. The next day, April 29th, a family member stopped in to check on her and found Geneva’s body in the bedroom lying in bed. There were signs of a struggle and “lots of physical evidence” according to Maj. Bob Taylor. Cause of death was determined to be asphyxiation. Geneva had also been sexually assualted. Police determined motive was robbery as many pieces of property were taken from Geneva’s home. A neighbor later reported she heard dogs “causing a ruckus” about 2am Sunday but no other noises were heard. In June of 1990 police reported having a person of interest but he was never charged. No one has ever been arrested in Geneva’s murder.

Geneva was born Geneva Louise Blanks on June 9th, 1914 in Denison, Texas. She was married to Gus R. Bryant on June 24th, 1934 and they went on to have children together. At the time of Geneva’s murder Gus was in a care facility for Alzheimer’s. He passed away less than a year later.

Please call the Tulsa Crime Stoppers at 405-235-7300 with any information in the horrid murder of mother and wife Geneva Louise Bryant.

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