Gaudy Mahatma Sanchez

Gaudy Mahatma Sanchez

Date of Last Contact: November 7, 2022

Location of Disappearance: Chouteau, Oklahoma

Physical Characteristics: Approximately 5′ 7″ – 5′ 9″ tall, approximately 130 – 150 pounds, 22 year old, Latino male with brown hair and brown eyes.

Last Seen Wearing: Unknown

Investigating Agency: Mayes County Sheriff’s Office

(918) 825-3535

Gaudy Mahatma Sanchez has been missing from Chouteau, Oklahoma since November 7th, 2022. He is 22-years-old.

Gaudy’s family became concerned after they stopped receiving messages from him at the end of October. His roommate states the saw Gaudy last in the 1st week of November. Gaudy’s black 2007 Scion is also missing.

Gaudy is Latino with brown hair and eyes. He is 5’7-5’9 and 130-150lbs. He is # MP98192 in NaMus.

Please call the Mayes County Sheriff with any information on the location of Gaudy at 918-825-3535.

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