Francisca Guadalupe Stephens

Francisca Guadalupe Stephens

Date of Last Contact: July 20, 2020

Location of Disappearance: Lawton, Oklahoma

Physical Characteristics: Approximately 5′ 3″ – 5′ 4″ tall, approximately 145 – 155 pounds, Latino female. Francisca has long black hair and brown eyes. She has a linear scar on her abdomen and a tattoo of three hearts, each with the names Savannah, Madyson, and Graceson.

Last Seen Wearing: black t-shirt, blue jeans,and glasses

Investigating Agency: Lawton Police Department

(580) 581-3270

Francisca Guadalupe Stephens has not been heard form since 07-20-2020 when she was leaving her mother in laws house. According to her mother in law she would randomly check in, however she hasn’t heard from her in months.

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