Erica Jane Flannery

Erica Jane Flannery

Date Found: December 20, 2000

Location: Lawton, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Lawton Crime Stoppers

(580) 355-4636

Erica Jane Flannery was found murdered in her home on December 20th, 2000 in Lawton, Oklahoma. She was just 23 years old and her case has been unsolved for 23 years this year.

Erica, mother to two children, had moved to Lawton the year before from Monroe, Wisconsin. That day, Erica’s 5-year-old daughter came home and found her mom not breathing at their home located at 1618 SW Roosevelt Avenue. She ran to the neighbor’s house and told them that mommy wasn’t moving. It was determined that Erica died from a gunshot. The daughter went on to live with Erica’s mother, Cheryl Golackson, who is still searching for justice in Erica’s murder.

If you have any information in the senseless murder of young mother Erica Flannery please call the Lawton Crime Stoppers at 580-355-INFO. You can remain anonymous.

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