Dorothy Jane Estes

Dorothy Jane Estes

Date Found: May 8, 1989

Location: Norman, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Norman Crime Stoppers

(405) 366-7867

On the morning of May 8, 1989 Dorothy Jane Estes, affectionately as “Dot” after she failed to show up at work at York International. Dorothy’s daughter went to her home to check on her mother. Just after 7 am, Dorothy was discovered in her bedroom, deceased and nude from the waist down. It could not be determined if Dorothy had been sexually assaulted. It was later discovered that her cause of death was homicide by asphyxiation. There were no signs of forced entry into the home but some items of value were missing.

Dorothy was last seen alive at about 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6, by her son who visited her at her home in the 800 block of Lexington in Norman, OK.

Dorothy’s case was reopened in 2013 and assigned to Detective Derrick Hopkins and he found a connection to a similar murder in Anadarko two months after Dorothy Este’s was murdered.

Anyone with information regarding this or any other crime may call Norman Crime Stoppers at (405) 366-STOP. Anyone with information may remain anonymous.

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