Dena Washington

Dena Washington

Date Found: July 17, 1994

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: Oklahoma City Police Department

(405) 235-7300

Seventeen year old Dena Washington was killed in Oklahoma City on July 17, 1994.

Dena, who was also known as Delnez Jalavetta Kimble, was initially misreported as being twenty-one at the time of her death. She was also reported as being from Los Angeles and only being in the area to visit friends. Whether she was actually from Los Angeles, or was in fact from Oklahoma City, is unknown.

What is known is that about 300 people were gathered at 2917 NE 23rd at approximately two am on July 17, 1994. At some point there was a cross exchange of gunfire that authorities believe was gang related. Dena was killed instantly. It’s not believed that she was an intended target.

There is little known about Dena, or Delnez, except that she was a teenaged girl, in the wrong place at the wrong time- and her murder is still unsolved.If you have any information regarding the homicide of Dena Washington, please contact the Oklahoma City Police Department at 405-297-1000.  

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