Rufe John Doe 1994
Date Found: February 1, 1994
Location Found: Rufe, Oklahoma
Physical characteristics: between the ages of 65 and 99 years old and approximately 5′ 10″-6′ 3″ tall.
Investigating Agency: Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
(580) 298-5525
Unidentified adult male found February 1, 1994 in Rufe, Oklahoma. Rufe John Doe 1994
White/Caucasian, between 65-99 years old, estimated to have died between 1979-1989
Height/weight, hair and eye color are all unable to be determined
Only skeletal remains were found that had been scattered, the remains were found in the woods by a man cutting wood
According to NAMUS circumstance notes, the OSBI has officially closed this case, however the man remains unknown and listed in NAMUS