NCMEC Number1118844
Missing Age: 16 Years
Sex: Female
Height: 4′ 10″ (58 Inches)
Weight: 160 lbs
Race / Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Date of Last Contact: March 17, 2009
NamUs Case Created: July 23, 2013
Location: Del City, Oklahoma
County: Oklahoma County
Circumstances of Disappearance: Emma, Erandi, and Maria were last seen on March 17, 2009. Tania was last seen on April 14, 2009. Although Tania is missing from a different location, they are believed to be together. They may be in the company of their mother. They may travel to Mexico.
Physical Description
Hair Color: Black
Head Hair Description: Shoulder length
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: Blue T-shirt with “USA” on front, gray sweatpants with white stripe.
Chevrolet Tahoe
Style: SUV
Color: Gray
License Plate: 223NAX