Missing Age: 46 Years
Sex: Male
Height: 6′ 4″ (76 Inches)
Weight: 210 lbs
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: January 11, 2021
NamUs Case Created: April 9, 2021
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73139
County: Oklahoma County
Circumstances of Disappearance: Jason was last seen 11 JAN 2021 near SW 59th & Santa Fe. He is driving his Red 2008 Toyota Tundra OK license CDA 580. He was wearing only sweats and a t-shirt. If you see, have seen, or know of Jason’s whereabouts, please call 911 or contact the Oklahoma City police dept at 405-297-1129
Physical Description
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue