Paige Summer Moore
Date of Last Contact: July 10, 2012
Location of Disappearance: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Physical Characteristics: 5′ 4″ tall, 145 pounds, 17 year old, Caucasian female. Paige has shoulder-length hair with blonde, red, and pink highlights. It’s straight with a slight wave. Paige also has blue eyes, pierced ears, nose septum pierced, right lip pierced, and an unknown tattoo.
Last Seen Wearing: Long sleeved t-shirt (GooGoo Dolls), boxer shorts – polka dotted Size 7-9, red house slippers size 7.5-8, and a septum ring
Investigating Agency: Broken Arrow Police Department
(918) 259-8400
Paige Summer Moore has been missing from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma since July 10th, 2012. She was 17-years-old.
Paige left her home in the 1100 block of north Ironwood Avenue in Broken Arrow during the early morning. She was wearing what she typically wore to bed – pink polka dot boxers, a gray Goo-Goo Dolls shirt with long black sleeves, red slippers size 7.5/8. Paige was to attend summer school that day but never arrived for class. She was never seen again.
Police classified Paige as a runaway but now believe she may have met with foul play. Paige had recently become involved with the wrong crowd and it’s possible that is connected to her disappearance. There was a local drug house that could play into Paige’s disappearance but it’s unknown if that was investigated. Law enforcement officers have said they’ve “exhausted all leads”.
Paige was 5’4 and 140lbs with brown hair and blue eyes. Her hair was dyed pink, red, and purple at the time of her disappearance. Her ears, nose and lip are pierced. She may use the names Peg or Penny.
Please call the Broken Arrow PD at 918-259-8400 with any information in the disappearance of teen Paige Summer Moore. Her family is still looking for her and for answers.