Donna Kay Dirteater Kingston

Donna Kay Dirteater Kingston

Date of Last Contact: May 11, 1984

Location of Disappearance: Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Physical Characteristics: Approximately 5′ 4″ – 5′ 5″ tall, approximately 160 – 165 pounds, 18 year old, Native female. Donna has shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, amd a small mole on her right cheek.

Last Seen Wearing: Unknown

Investigating Agency: Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office

(918) 456-2583

Donna Kay Dirteater Kingston was eighteen years old when she disappeared from Tahlequah on May 11, 1984.

The day that Donna was last seen alive, she had left her grandmother’s house to meet with an unknown male. According to family members, Donna had recently met this man and he had told Donna that if she came to Tulsa she could make some money.

Donna left her grandmother’s house telling her family that she would call when she arrived in Tulsa. She had left the home driving her grandmother’s vehicle. The vehicle is reported to have been a 1980 red Mercury Monarch that was four doored. The license plate was Oklahoma issued with the number CZ4818. Neither Donna, nor the vehicle she was driving have ever been found, and Donna never called her family again, so it is unknown whether she ever actually arrived in Tulsa.

If Donna were alive today she would be 58 years old. She is described as being 5’4 to 5’5 inches tall, and around 160 pounds. Donna is Native American, with black hair and brown eyes. She has a small mole on her right cheek.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Donna Kay Kingston, please contact the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office at (918)456-2583.

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