Carter John Doe 1982
Date Found: February 16, 1982
Location Found: Carter, Oklahoma
Physical Characteristics: between the ages of 25 and 40 years old, approximately 5′ 10″ tall and approximately 130 pounds with light brown hair.
Investigating Agency: Beckham County Sheriff’s Office
(580) 928-2121
The remains of a white male were found in Carter on February 16, 1982. The body was found in a ditch about two miles north of Carter and 1/2 mile east. He likely stood at 5 foot 10 inches tall and was between the ages of 25 and 40. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. He was likely killed within a few months of when he was found.
He was wearing a short sleeve white shirt with brown pocket trim (“Kennington of California”), levi blue jeans, zipper front, size W28/L32. Back pockets intact and empty, blue and white pullover shirt (“Plumage” brand), “Trax” brown canvas, low top, lace-up shoes, size 8D, eight stockings – 4 on left and 4 on the right, matching – gray with a red top, white with a gray-red top, white with a green-black top, white with a blue top, a silver colored chain Necklace, a silver colored chain necklace with a turqoise drop, a rubber black “O” ring on the left middle finger, and a silver colored ring with an ovoid two tone turquoise stone on the left little finger. Near his body was a wooden bead with feathers, $.10, Lighter inscribed with “Debbie”, Rosary, Keyholder with inital “D”, a dark brown cowboy hat with dark blue print bandana around it, and a gold chain with gold heart around it.