Aundrea Pickering
Date of Last Contact: April 23, 2024
Location of Disappearance: Norman, Oklahoma
Physical Characteristics: 5′ 4″ tall, 130 pounds, 17 years old, Native female with black hair and brown eyes.
Last Seen Wearing: gray sweatshirt with a white t-shirt underneath, black sweatpants, and black sandals
Investigating Agency: Norman Police Department
(405) 321-1444
Aundrea Pickering has been missing from Norman, Oklahoma since April 23, 2024. She is a chronic runaway and has been listed in NaMus more than once due to this.
Aundrea is 17-years-old. She is 5’4 and 130lbs with brown hair and eyes. She is Native. Aundrea is listed as # MP123095 in NaMus.
Please call the Norman PD at (405) 321-1444 with any information on the whereabouts of Aundrea.