Amber Dawn Stokke

Amber Dawn Stokke

Date Found: January 10, 2013

Location: The Village, Oklahoma

Investigating Agency: The Village Police Department

(405) 751-1234

On the night of January 10th, 2013, Amber Dawn Stokke, 22, around 1130 pm, was pulling out of a driveway not too far from her home in The Village, Oklahoma. Amber, 6 months pregnant at the time, lived with a roommate and her father.

As Amber was pulling out of the driveway a black man confronted her. They exchanged words, according to the roommate, who was in the passenger side of the car. The man suddenly shot into the car several times, hitting Amber. Amber was able to drive a whole block before her car hit the curb, drove through a yard and crashed into a fence at the corner of Sunnymeade Place and Plymouth Lane. It was less than a mile from her home. Her roommate stated that she saw another man in the yard watching as the shooting occured. The shooter ran south on Sunnymeade.

Police later named Amber’s boyfriend as a suspect, along with an assoiciate of his. They were being investigated of running a drug ring selling cocaine and other drugs. At this time there have been no charges in Amber’s murder.

Please call police at The Village PD with any information on the murder of Amber Dawn Stokke at 405.751.1234.

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